This is Rage From left to right.
Rage was a down-right, get down, get nasty, get loud and play hard, Rock and Roll band. The guitar players used full Marshall stacks (8 twelve inch speakers each) and I used an Ampeg SVT with eight tens and one eighteen (350Watts). It was loud, but it was clean and that's what made it pure power. Rick was a technical wizard and Tony was Mr. Crunchy. This made for a non-clashing guitar pair that complimented and contrasted each other in a unique way. Howard was a student of Bonham and hit the drums very hard. With a good foot and rock steady meter, he made it easy for me to be the bass. We all met because of one George Carnel, who I had played with in Fresh, and all shared a thirst for music and precision. I guess that's why we rehearsed seven days a week for three months to prepare for our debut.
These three guys I had the honor to play with, and all their friends, were such a fractured bunch of drug crazed, libido driven, maniacal makers of mayhem and merriment, the entire experience was like a Hollywood movie. I guess we were the epitome of a "Bad Boys Band". We didn't just play together, we hung out together, partied together, shared drugs and women. There are so many stories of escapade and outrageous venture, I dare not ramble. I was to play again with Rick and Tony in Phoenix with drummer Steve Nicely, who I had played with in Five Mile Beach. I'm sorry to say that both Howard and Tony, bless their souls, have passed on to "the other side" and whatever their Gods had planned for their eternities.